The Wilsons

The Wilsons
My Fabulous Family

Highs And The Lows

This is a section that last night's weather report inspired. Each day the weatherman displays the high and low temperature for that day and I thought about the various highs and lows that occured over the last year. Many times, there were funny things or painful life lessons that I meant to write down but forgot and now can't remember that funny word Sydney made up or the question Sasha asked that I wasn't able to answer. More for me, as this is my year of action, I want to be able to look back in 2012 and see how the highs and lows helped me grow and develop into more of who I was designed to be. Feel free to share your highs and lows as well, we're all family here!

Jan.1, 2011
High: Waking up to another new year with all my family in good health and great spirits.

Low:   Trying to explain a difficult life lesson to my almost 8 year old daughter who doesn't understand why the neighbors aren't answering her calls and why the neighbor dad would reply to a text that the kids weren't at home so they can't come over and play even though we can clearly see them outside their house playing from our window. Fake People and Lies, too early to have to learn about these kinda folks!